- Call ahead before you travel to make sure the Y you intend to visit participates in Nationwide Membership. More than 2,500 Y’s do.
- You must have an active membership to be eligible for Nationwide Membership.
- On average, at least 50% of your visits must be to your “Home” YMCA (the local association that enrolled you and collects your membership dues).
- If you have known periods of seasonal travel (when you will not be using your Home Y at least 50% of the time or will be a resident of another area for more than 28 days), you will need to place your Home Y membership on hold or cancel it, and join the Y where you will be living for that time period. Please plan ahead, as it may take several weeks to place your account on hold.
- If you are a college student, you will need to join the YMCA where your usage is 50% or greater. Nationwide Membership is based on individual usage not the family unit. Most Ys have a young adult or college membership option or you can ask about the financial assistance program.
- Most YMCAs require a photo ID for all visitors. Please bring a photo ID with you for a seamless customer experience.
- You will be asked to sign a waiver when visiting other YMCA locations.